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Showing posts from March, 2023

If God is Love, Why Aren't You?

Source: Bill Reichart, the sign of love . I'm exhausted from a judgmental and unappreciated society. So, someone told, " Raka, you are so strong through this tough ." Actually, not.  I was devastated, depressed, and had suicidal thoughts (twice, dua kali ). I was exhausted from a judgmental and unappreciated society. I know this ruins your life. That shouldn't be. I'm going to have to get used to hearing negative texts and no one cheers for me. Doubt, disrespect, lying, manipulation, and carelessness of appreciation. That's really exhausting. Nothing changed but I have to accept and let it goes. Instead of overthinking, writing or journaling, and installing health mental apps on my phone. Sure, reading the Bible and spending with God. That's helpful. I remember when I attended the last Core Group meeting, the leader introduced " affirmation ". I couldn't get what mean about affirmation until he explained patiently. Affirmation is a new word t

The Future and Decisions

Source: Unsplash When I was watching Instagram Live that was being held from my church addressing fasting and the future. I didn't know what they talked about, but it seemed like they talked about the future. That was nice. I would be writing about the future and decisions. I was grown up in a culture and tradition where kids needed to obey and aren't set up in making decisions for themselves. So, I grew up with that, but when I joined the community. I started to learn about how to make a decision for myself, how should I stand up for, and how to make my life happy and proud. I become an individualist and tend to being independent. It has been part of my life, and because of what has been learned, I want to respect people's decisions and lives as well as they will respect my own, and that's versa verse. You cannot hope to get the respect due to your position and seniority like age, profession, race, language, etc. But, sometimes, everyone has difficulty and doesn't

What's About Fasting?

Source: Unsplash We are on 4-week of fasting together as a community, I started to learn and write about fasting on this blog because I really want to share. Actually, I started to fast at the end of February. But, it’s neither of days, because I didn’t fast for a few days later. But, now, I am fasting. Then, what are the lessons about fasting? We know fasting is an annual tradition for all religions, but they have different how to fast. In Christianity, we know how Jesus fasted for about 40 days in Matthew 4: 1-2. Jesus fasted to avoid temptation by the devil. I think His fasting goal is avoiding the temptation of the devil. But we see different meanings of fasting. Look at Luke 2: 37 NIV, when Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of the Asher, fasted to worship and pray. In the Old Testament, Moses spent with the Lord forty days and forty nights, he neither ate bread nor drank water in Exodus 34: 28. Some various how to fast in the Bible, which three days of fasting like Esther

How Christianity View Generation Z?

Source: Asbury Revival 2023, Cincinnati Enquirer I spent the weekend working and playing on a PC/ computer. I learned and watched about Asbury Revival which went viral in Wilmore, Kentucky. Approximately 15.000 attendances worshipping at a university, any sources tell. Which were mostly college and high school students. That was goosebumps! Felt like "Wow, America is back on the right way!" and "That's nice." Generation Z, where somebody who was born around the 1990s to 2000s, living depends on technology and that is called the modern era. We have cellphones, tablets, Instagram, Twitter, and laptops, and we depend on technology the most. I heard that is also called Millennial Generation. We have easier access than the previous generation. I'm one of this generation. I depend on technology since I can't live without them. As you do and exactly, you can't live without them, aren't you? Well, we will learn about how Christianity views Generation Z. 

Apologetics, The Fact Required About Self-Defense

Source: Unsplash This morning, as usual, I heard the sermons and some watched apologetic videos on Youtube. I was fascinated by how they approach that is called “self-defense” in voicing the truth without judging its interlocutors. I liked the videos and learned so much things. In Christianity, we know the persecution for our faith. Martyr and Christian people who are killed for faith as Jesus has predicted in some verses of the Bible. Then, how the approach should we own? We see 1 Peter 3: 15-16, the verse of “ gentleness, respect, good conscience, and good behavior in Christ ” that means what you are doing in self-defense and you should have good act and behavior by compassion and love to each other. Respect their opinion that matters—for whatever approaches you want to—as part of our Christ laws. I know that might be hard because you are unprepared and might you aren’t quite learning Christianity at home, church, and school so you do not know how should you do when answering these q