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Showing posts from January, 2023

A Church is The Growth Place

Source: Unsplash I am so grateful to have a faith community in which the community encourages you to know Jesus through this community. I spent a deeper discussion with my best friend. I'm a Christian, have a relationship with Jesus, and growing into a church traveler. I attended multiple churches before becoming permanently in English Worship, a charismatic church. I spent at least six churches, including a Catholic church. I attended a Lutheran-Calvinist church, a Baptist church), a Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. and a Pentecostal church, and permanently, English Worship (GSJA, Assemblies of God Church). A church is called gereja in Indonesian. What is a church? Is it a building? As so I am, to think, a church isn't a building. We are going to see how Antioch people react with thousands of followers of Christ praising the name of Christ with Paul and Barnabas in Acts 11: 26 so being called Christians, why Antioch people called them Christians? Because they

Are You a Conservative Christian?

Source: Unsplash A woman who wasn't a Christian critiqued my personality in that she seemed different from the Christians she met. She asked, " Why you are so closed-minded, orang Kristen garis keras? You aren't a Christian I know? Look at these Christians who have open-minded? " Well, I told her that I'm not the same as the Christians whom she thought because we are different. I wasn't going to have to do the same. Comparison is a trap . Everyone has different because of life experiences and principles. When someone who is a Christian supports LGBTQ and same-sex marriage because she believes no one said the Bible bans these things that she cheers for. Therefore, another Christian that really super disagrees about LGBTQ and same-sex marriage because the Bible bans it, but whether someone is just being neutral. So, I value their opinions. They aren't going to have in what I believe and think. As simple as I love football, great at playing football, but if m

Christianity is UNIQUE and LOGICAL

Source: Unsplash I followed some Christian content posts on Instagram, read the posts, and routinely watched some videos about apologetics. It is in the conclusion of Christianity's view of interesting. I love them because I have a chance to read, learn, and research more critically and deeper, like I can't stop thinking about the Holy Spirit which I only hear my friends' testimony, read the Bible, and I always want to study in a theology program so I can access to learn more about the Holy Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit is still my favorite since joining Holy Spirit prayer in my church. Perhaps, I will write a journal and a book about that in the future. In my belief and mind, there are 3 ( only) that can be proven, such as theoretically , historically , and theologically . But surely, I admit personal experience that called testimony, but the percentage is different. Therefore, I am supposed to believe in the Spirit which I don't speak in tongues, or I don't ha

The Crisis of Faith

Source: Unsplash We are grateful that the world has been founded by different life experiences and religions so that we can connect to God. We have learned from last night when we were being held at XA Chi Alpha. We had a deeper discussion and shared our life experiences and opinions. That was so good.  A crisis of faith is when someone loses their belief in God and becomes an atheist or agnostic. Experiencing the crisis of faith is interesting because we are blessed to have intelligent, critical thoughts that birth deeper belief. Everyone has a mind, behavior, and belief, which takes full responsibility and awareness. Everyone isn't childish because everyone has a choice.  I disbelief in God but praise God, I am now a Christian and proudly a follower of Christ. It took almost 8 years and even after getting baptized, I left the church about two years since the pandemic has begun. I ended up joining English Worship and attending Sunday service routinely. It was a long journey. I nev

What's REAL Community?

Source: Unsplash I was raised in different communities since moving to Jogja. A community is about looking the " self-identify ", and " self-proud ", and " this is what am I ", like what you identify is. Joining a new community means you have found what you identify then growing up yourself and with your friends, that's together, all about a community. You are going from the first community-- family-- to a tough journey with several communities, to find what a second community can be grown better, and to find what are you. It can be school, university, workplace, or anywhere you are. If you love football, you can join NFL Fans Indonesia, a community where you'll get more information you needed, like where will you play football with your friends, watch a football game together, and Super Bowl. It as does to you love traveling, you can invite your friends and make a plan, maybe you want to go to Bali, and you can invite your friends to get on vacati

Start New Foundation

Source: Unsplash I was waiting up on New Year, I know there was still an ongoing super late opening New Year, and it was in America. I did earlier in Indonesia, but America hadn't. Yet, America just began a couple of hours ago. That was unique because the world isn't the same, but the world still celebrated the same day. It's one of my challenges to arrange an appointment and a meeting over a different time zone, but it is fun.  I was looking back in 2022 and is ready for 2023, like you have a book and write this book over the end of the book, buy a new book and write that one. Everyone wants a new one, but everyone forgets the only one that never changes, is God. God is consistent and we see in Hebrews 13: 8 says, Jesus Christ is still the same , the last one " forever ". So, God is still faithful as usual and has been since.  " What's your hope ?" and " What is your resolution ?", every year and the same question. We could say that we wan