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Showing posts from April, 2023

A Good Communication

Source: Unsplash I graduated with a communication degree and spent a four-year communication bachelor's program. I learned and researched about communication. I have experience in a variety of communication ways and approaches. Communication has been always the main key in the relationship. Good communication means you have a good relationship. Isn't it? How does Jesus' communication approach? We are going to learn about Jesus' commandment in Matthew 27: 37-39 and 1 John 4: 7-12. The key is " love one another ." What would you think after reading these verses?  Jesus' approach is to love one another as His communication ways. Jesus is God, He is showing what kind of God's love is. Matthew 5: 44, has a powerful communication approach that He had in how Jesus treats the enemies. He knew that enemies will hate and persecute, but instead of revenge, He ordered His followers to pray and love the enemies. The twelve of Christ had learned about how communicat

Too Young (to be) a Believer

Source: Unsplash I watched Jesus Revolution taking the 1970s time-background where the United States was in a " cold war " with the Soviet Union and mandatory military service for the Vietnam War under the 37th President of the United States, Richard Nixon. It made me remind about American history which could I say is " the lowest ever happened " because America was at that time having racism issues, anti-war protests, drugs, and hopelessness. So, the movie came up at the right time and brought into the past time when Old America was alive. The most addressed are church reformation and youth ministry. I love how Joel Courtney playing Greg Laurie and Anna Grace Barlow playing Cathe struggled together, the ups and downs. Togetherness gives meaning to the power of love and faithfulness. The hippie culture was, about in this movie and took at Newport Beach, California, which is still part of Los Angeles downtown. Calvary Chapel, a church that began at the evangelist Jes

What is a True Church?

Source: Unsplash In Christianity, we have many denominations, such as Baptist, Anabaptist, Lutheran, Calvinist, Pentecost, Charismatic, and many more, now Orthodox and Roman Catholic. Some people do not identify which is denomination, that is called non-denominational. It has been confusing to people as often about what kind of a true church they should observe. That's okay if you feel confused.  I'm a church explorer and I always go to different churches to worship, learn, and experience the church traditions. I went to a Baptist church, a Lutheran church, a Pentecost church, and a Roman Catholic church, and now am a member of a Charismatic church. I love it so much about the church. I love the church. It has nothing related to my belief. I still believe in Jesus Christ and I don't have a problem with denominations and different churches. I even went to a Latter-day Saints church or Mormon church and met two missionaries identified as Jehovah's Witnesses. Those aren

He is Risen: Leadership, Life Transition, and Disciples

Source: Unsplash Happy Easter! What a week! From Palm Sunday, White Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter's last day happened on Sunday. This was a holy week that was really so exciting and a lot of learning. I got a break for Easter for about four days. Praise God, it allowed me to rest and have more time for spending alone, with friends, and with God.  The pastor  who led Easter service was a nice guy I met on Sunday and Friday. I didn't have an interpreter on Good Friday, but I had one on Sunday. He was careful in preaching about disciples. He knew this culture. He was outstanding and just cool ever. During this holy week, I spent my struggles, trying to balance and be honest in ministry, private, and work. I have a porn addiction, so high still. I'm tempted to see beautiful women and that isn't good. I need to self-controlling, so I won't be tempted to see beautiful women. So, I have never imagined if a guy who has a porn addiction and struggles for a healing and ov

Blind Belief

Source: Rotten Tomatoes " Wait, you are a Christian, how can you believe in Jesus? Jesus isn't God ." That's the most frequent question, it might be people who think it's dumbness and nonsense if they love reality and something that makes sense that they can see in their eyes. That's just common because humans can see, feel, think, and express and they would want to see something that they can see, like a ghost which they can't see and won't believe. But, in fact, someone believes there is a ghost because she can hear the ghost's voice and moves.  But, how about God? Is God really exist? Can you see God? We see how delighted Thomas meeting Jesus and said, " My Lord and my God! ", Jesus said, " You believe because you have seen me ." continuing in John 20: 29. This is so amazing. It reminds me of watching a movie titled Paul, Apostle of Christ last night after the afternoon service at my church. Cassius was mad about the crimes o