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Showing posts from February, 2023

Celebrity Pastor Questionable Theologically and Church Traditions

Source: I don't know if that ever happens in Indonesia. In America, we know the Hillsong church or megachurches and become a popular destination for the most famous celebs with roots in Hollywood. I don't blame them but celebrity pastors who I critique. I do affirmations for celebs who find better growth at that church, anywhere the church is. We see the scripture about idolatry in 1 Corinthians 1: 10-17. In verse 17, Paul says that his job is not to baptize but preach the gospel. Paul also critiques how dangerous idolatry is, such as a question, do follow Paul , do follow Cephas , do follow Apollos , do follow Christ . A pastor supposed to be their job is just to preach the gospel and at only they can do it and lead a church. We learn again Galatians 1: 10, the which approval as we talking about. The twelve are preaching the gospel around the world and a thing that they would be is to follow Christ. Jesus comes to the world and the first job is to follow me.

Bible Journaling and Reading Bible, What's Difference?

Source: Unsplash When I left the worship service, someone stood up next to the Bibles and tips and asked some questions with her about that. The reading tips are so good to me despite I have my own practice. I remember when my friend spent a conversation about Bible journaling in a class. She wrote a lot of journals, and she loved them. So, I was impressed with her and loved hearing her story about journaling a Bible. Bible has changed my life. Yes, that definitely! That always happens and no one doubts it. Bible is the perfect guidance and a tool to witness and have life experience with Jesus. But I was asked to teach her how to read Bible routinely, that was a great question because I know many Christians rarely read Bible like mine. That's tough! We are busy and sometimes do not have time to read Bible. I do and work from morning to night in a week, that's really exhausting! It can be 8 to 9, depending on my schedule. I have a three-hour regular in resting my body and includ

How (Conquer) A Sin

Source: Catholic Insight Why does a human sin? As the first thing, I would tell you. Lust and temptation, we cannot win these. That's period! But, if you are a son of Christ, you'll get why and how sin comes from. Jesus died on the cross for your sins. That's exactly, but why you still cannot win these, so why? The world, again, the place of full lust and temptation. You still cannot win these, EXPECT by having God at your center of life.  That was written by an Instagram story. Then, we would like to discuss sin and why human has sinned? That's a great question. Let's talk about it! So, would a human like to a sin?  No, they wouldn't unless they can see the power of God after getting baptized by the Holy Spirit. We learn in Romans 5: 12 " Therefore, just a sin came into the world through one man, and death spread to all men because all sinned ." Romans 5: 12 So, we are natural humans having sins because we would. Romans 5: 12 early explains how a sin

Love is About Defined

Source: Unsplash We are about to share chocolate and flower on Valentine, fallen on February 14th, only two days away Superbowl was held where the Kansas City Chiefs became the NFL Superbowl Champion by 38-35 with the Philadelphia Eagles. I'm a Chiefs fan, super glad because I witnessed, the Chiefs won a championship in 2020 and now in 2023! I couldn't prouder to be a Chiefs fan despite I wasn't born in the state of Missouri or the Kansas City area.  This week is struggling to understand what means love. We sat down and had a deeper discussion about love at a Bible study and as well as on XA Talk Show. I learned that night and still can't get what means love. In my mind-- a perspective and an experience-- just being seen the true love or fake love. Comes by different paths. If you love God, it makes sense but if you love humans still nonsense. I see my friends are having dates and married, they celebrated Valentine's and meanwhile I wasn't and just spending alon

What's Like to be a Christian?

Source: Unsplash Having been a Christian all my life, I felt just amazing and always grateful day to day. I am around the workplace, my home in Jogja, and a community that is majority Christian. They are helping me to grow and have a better personality by looking at the person who is alike Jesus. We live in the second largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia, but Indonesia isn't a Muslim country, and we are a Pancasila country that respects and guarantees the freedom of religion. Do you worry about the Christian people in Indonesia? No, we don't, and we are still fine despite being discrimination like the church establishment ban, persecution, etc.  Well, there are the top five about what's like to be a Christian based on my experience.  1. Love teachings We are going to start with learning the highest Christianity laws. Love . John 15: 12, has been a real guide for Christians. Love each other , by who? God, your family, your friends, your enemies, your ex-wife/ h

Deaf Ministry

"Jesus" in sign language Source: Sunset Church of Christ I spent reading and having conversations about Deaf ministry through a video-calling appointment. I don't know much about that but it's interesting. I think Indonesia has never done the Deaf ministry as foreign countries do since I have never heard of that. So, we are feeling left behind by far. So, I kind of really fascinated by the Deaf ministry.  I spent interesting video-calling appointments with an international Deaf pastor who lives in the United Kingdom. He serves the Deaf ministry in Europe, not just in the United Kingdom, his country. I just got it that the term "international pastor", is interesting. He also led the world conference where Deaf Christians and pastors around the world came to praise God and had pieces of training in a week. That called is the World Deaf Assemblies of God Conference, which is to be set up holding in Barcelona, Spain in October 2023 as previously was to be in Mel