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Showing posts from September, 2022

A Love Teaching, Everything That Puts in Hard Times

Source: Unsplash " And He called the twelve disciples and gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases ." Luke 9: 1 NIV When I was stuck and trapped in hard times, I always thought about how eleven of Jesus Christ's disciples faced death punishment in their ministry countries and still many martyrs who died for witnessing Christ. Jesus Christ crucifixion and died for our sins, then He is risen and met 12 disciples, then commanded in Matthew 28: 16-20. The twelve disciples went to Asia and Europe to minister the Christ, it made Christianity was so fast growing up in Asia and Europe despite some countries who have a dark history, especially Japan in the 16s century. Christianity is the most persecuted religion every year despite Christianity being still the most religion in the world. Many Christians died for their faith, but they never put up a fight in 1 Thessaloniki 5: 15. " Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always st

Why Bible Should Be in Sign Language?

Source: Christianity Today I continually love reading the Bible so much and it is texted. But how about Deaf people? Can Deaf people read Bible? By what? Alright, as a Deaf Christian, I prefer to be myself that I have abilities but I'm strongly sure about Deaf people have various backgrounds and experiences, like sign language, reading lips, or both as well. Deaf people aren't as same as hearing people. Hearing people depend on their ears to hear sounds and Deaf people depend on their eyes to see the visualization. Based on my experiences, I didn't grow up in a Deaf community in my life except by studying at a Deaf school using reading lips. I grow up in most hearing communities. My family is hearing, and I am the only one. I prefer to read texted Bible to a signed Bible because it makes me easier to understand God's words. Just like what hearing people do. But, when I attend church and Bible study, I need an interpreter and/ or a captioner/ typist. I usually pray by si

Misconception About Being a Christian

Source: Unsplash " Don't judge a book by its cover " is a famous quote that is the most heard.  When you watched any sporting events, you would see how to score a touchdown at football, a goal at soccer, a homerun at baseball, two/ three points at basketball, and more. If you are a sports lover, you know how a team builds to be a champion by winning the regular season (having the best record) and postseason (winning hard in high pressure during the playoffs series). I love football and basketball so much because those sports are beautiful in the world and spend watching the NFL, NBA, WNBA, FIBA, NCAA, college football, and college basketball. I do know how Kansas City Chiefs became the world champions at the LIV Superbowl and made the state of Missouri has won two rings and how the Toronto Raptors were wild-winning by buzzer-beaten at Game 7 against the Philadelphia 76ers, then became the first time, the Canadian club won the world champions in NBA history. I know that

5 Questions About Christianity in the Modern Era (Final)

Source: Unsplash Another five last questions about Christianity in the modern era, I'm so excited to answer and share the truth of witnessing God's voice from my perspective. Here are the super five questions: 1. Should Christians open up their faith publicly? It's the "small talks" and that's super sensitive because it'd be inappropriate to ask a private question, "what is your religion?". But I'm sure that there are some Christians who open up their faith publicly and proudly and usually when they get the spiritual experience, like Jesus' salvation. Specifically, Christian divides up two kinds of born-to-Christian who come from a Christian family and reborn-to-Christian who come from a non-Christian family. I've heard some great testimonies about how to do their spiritual experience and sometimes, I cried. Every Christian has a testimony about how to witness the truth of Jesus Christ.  For me, I would be proud to be a Christian and

5 Questions About Christianity in the Modern Era

Source: Unsplash As a Christian, I would be more liberalist but right here identifying a kind of conservative and putting biblical and God-centered life. We, I live in the modern era, and we have neighbors who have a different background, such as sexual orientations, LGBTQ, races, languages, disabilities, and religions/ beliefs. I'm okay with them because having friends who have like those backgrounds and I still myself as a Christian, no problem so far because I hate judgmental which is banned in Matthew 7: 1-5  and I have to respect them. Even I have my best friend who is a former Christian but converted to another religion that he believes, and I was still congratulating him despite I was sad because I am taught by living together and honoring people who are loved by God.  Firstly, I read the Bible every day, sort of rarely read as well, but I am hungry to get knowledge and love reading. For the whole of my life, I would be a liberalist and proud to be. I am completely agreeing

Leading Deaf and Hearing Christians, United by One Flesh

Source: Unsplash Before I'm going to write, I want to say the International Day of Sign Languages every September 23rd, and Deaf Awareness Month is celebrated every September. Thank you for willing and being interested in learning sign language and making more social awareness that sign language is beautiful! ILY! ----- I love doing daily activities to read the Bible, watch a video/ reel about sermons, testimony, and Bible study, listen to Christian music, attend the fellowship or church, and of course, my favorite is praying. It is all that I live for spending with believers who admit Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior and feels like a home! I'm blessed and grateful to have a gift that is God-given because I can write a long essay, read, discuss, speak, and have other abilities. I'm really grateful but there is something that was left in an empty room in my heart and mind.  What is an empty room that I have? Leading Deaf and hearing Christians who can be united by one fle


Source: Unsplash Finally, I am back writing blogging again! I was asked by some friends who missed reading the blog. They made me to rethink about my writing plan. I wasn’t actually, I wouldn’t go up, but the Spirit just told me, "You have to write my testimony” So, I ended up registering for new blogging. Hopefully, you all would be able to read and get an inspiration about my journey as a Christian. Being a Christian, a person who isn’t just wearing a cross necklace or bracelet put your Bible verse on your social media, and then just attend on Sundays. A person who is claimed as a son of God, once Jesus Christ whom you think who He is and what you describe. Thanks, God! Every day, every time! Put your heart out and surrender what you have effort because He is calling to you and putting you in His plans, which do you have a future, such as a relationship, career, education, etc. You can make your plans by fully controlling, as which you call tell that is perfect and very “perfect