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Showing posts from October, 2022

God Is Not Deaf

Source: Unsplash The title, which I recently finished reading a book called " Tuhan Tidak Tuli " in Indonesian, in the English version, God Is Not Deaf by Grace Suryani, Ratna Pudyastuti, and four authors. This book is about Yahya A. Tioso who is a Deaf person struggling with his faith, dream, and life. He is currently living in Australia with his wife, Monica. I don't need to write a review, but I strongly recommend this book can be the inspiration that you need to turn and know how powerful God is.  A movie has been my favorite to watch as often, called " God Isn't Dead: A Light in the Darkness ", sequels 1 to 4. It has been my inspiration to keep believing in God and feeling the presence of God. I probably cannot see Him in real but I can see He is in my heart. See Psalm 26: 2 ESV, is saying " Prove me, O Lord, and try me; test my heart and my mind ." Proving God exists, that's what of a say, more than a word, scientifically, it can look co

Meeting Christian-born is Kind of Unspoken

Source: Unsplash I wasn't born into a Christian family and grew up in a hearing church community, I feel awkward and unworn. Things I found there are unhidden and untold by the overwhelming ways in my life. I spent having a great discussion with my pastor. She was a genius and knowledgeable. I also met two foreign missionaries who aren't a pastor, they have strong faith in Christianity. She worked for a Catholic institution, but she called herself a Christian, born and raised. Someone who was grown by being homeschooled with Christian family traditions and I haven't any idea if someone who grows up in a public school, especially in America well-known the concept of separation of church and state. I hadn't read the Bible since growing up as a child despite I had read the Bible with Catholicism.  I was always thinking if the time turned back, I always wanted to have a Christian family, born and raised because I studied in a Catholic school. But, yeah, God has reasons for

Does Christian Should Be Elastic?

Source: Unsplash I've got an interesting something. Someone said, "You are a Christian living in the largest Muslim country in the world, so you should know any Muslim words, like Assalamu'alikum , Allahu Akbar , etc, and even attend a mosque. Because  sedikit orang Kristen/  a bit of Christian . ". Well, I was educated to be tolerant and value freedom of religion. I think Christians should know the situation. I'm a Christian who knows all religions and attended practice worship places, like a mosque, temple, Mary's cave, and other holy places. I met a monk and have a Buddhist book-- reading that book, the whole, I did and prayed as Buddhists do. And even, deeply learned about local religions that are found in Indonesia. I went to my favorite island, Bali. I love Bali so much because the Balinese know English well and the nature tourist is beautiful and has super nature views. I met my Hinduism friends, went to a Hinduism temple, and loved seeing Hinduism peop

What Do You Agree About A Christian Nation?

Source: Premium Time Nigeria A Christian nation is determined to be a Christ-centered country that points to the Bible as a law. Bible can be a law because there are laws to arrange society life who put in faith and follow what the Bible says. That's the concept that we meant of a Christian nation.  In history, the country that had have ever been Christian nations, like Roman and Armenia. Unfortunately, I don't know so much about them. I need to learn. So, we will discuss what you agree about a Christian nation.  As a Christian who lives in the largest Muslim country in the world, I would like to see a Christian president elected to lead the country, but I wrote it a few days ago. I don't concern about who the leader is because this is out of the box and shouldn't be talked about. As what I wrote as I disagree about a Christian nation because we live in the world, a place consisting of different religions. Anybody who has the right to be a leader, shall not be infringed

Western and Eastern Christianity

Source: Unsplash Disclaimer: I'm not a pastor and I don't have a theology degree. I'm a Christian man who loves learning and reading about Christianity from Bible, history, denomination, apologetics, and testimony I and my friend seriously discussed Christianity on WhatsApp. He wasn't born to a Christian family, but he accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior at the age of 16. Hallelujah, I was super glad to listen to his testimony. God is so good! He criticized the church in the modern era, and we admitted that the Christian community in Indonesia is Western-oriented, especially in the United States. Therefore, we find it very rare in the Christian community that is Eastern-oriented, like Orthodox. You all know that America is so powerful and influencing Christianity across the world, including Indonesia. I don't count how many American missionaries and pastors serve Christ in the world, however, I believe it'll outnumber it because they have international

A Pastor (Should) Criticized, A Church is What (Model) About

Source: Unsplash In religious life, you know the preacher gets the honor and popularity due to their specialty and a theology degree and even memorizing the Bible and Christianity. They get honor from Christians who become a member of the church and even non-Christians. It sounds like a cult a person who is treated like a king. Well, I have explored different churches and ended up becoming a member of my church. I maybe know churches' traditions and systems. But I criticize the culture as excessive action. The assumption, a temporary I know is part of our culture having to honor old people or having the highest positions. I respect if it considers a culture despite it being against my freedom of thinking. A pastor should realize the position where they are because a pastor leads the role model to Christians and unbelievers. A good church means a good pastor. That's a reminder that the pastor should have. There was a church member who died by suicide. He wrote his final letter o

Happy Sunday

Source: Unsplash Sunday is the off day for people who are rested from working and going to college/ school, but Christians still must be going to church to worship Him and get welcomed every coming to church, "Happy Sunday! God bless you!" after serving, they are going to have fun and have lunch/ dinner. It is a great day and wonderful! I love Sunday! I received holy communion (again) and sang beautiful songs at a church. Besides, I did a virtual service on Youtube and an in-person service at a church on that day. I felt overwhelmed since I usually would go to two services on the same day, and I love Sunday. Why must be Sunday? I do not know but the explanation does exist in the Bible.  " So, God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that He had done in creation ." Genesis 2:3 Genesis 2: 3 is well-known as Sabbath and it's part of 10 God's commandments in Deuteronomy 5: 12. Jewish people also worship on Sabbath,

Why Disagree About Catholicism?

Source: Unsplash I grew up in a Catholic school and spent a long term. This place where I knew Jesus Christ for the first time. I did it throughout my life, like going to the Mary Cave, chapel, and church. I had my best memories with teachers, nuns, and priests. They were super friendly and kind. A Catholic church is huge, luxurious, and majestic. I love it. It's very different from a Christian church.  Wait, why are you still a Christian and not a Catholic? Yeah, that's a great question, but I have to respect my Catholic friends because we are the same faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior. These are just my thoughts about things that disagree with Catholicism.  We know it all started with history, especially in the Middle Age. Martin Luther sent 95 theses protesting Catholic church abuse and built a Protestant Christian church which meant without a hierarchy. As a result, featured some new denominations, like Anglican, Roman, Orthodox, Advent, Baptist, Pentecost, etc.

Holy Communion, Jesus Christ's Sacrifices Moment

Holy Communion Source: Christianity Last Sunday, I was receiving Communion at a virtual church, and looking at something was goosebumps and remembering how Jesus Christ died on the cross. On the final day, Jesus Christ told his disciples to remind sacrifice as they ate bread and drank wine in 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26. The bread, symbols the body of Jesus Christ and the wine symbols His blood. The Holy Communion is the second sacrament that Christians must be required to do after the Baptism sacrament. In Catholicism, they have 7 sacraments and Christianity only has two sacraments despite Christianity having different denominations and churches, but the Bible says the same.  I did many times at Holy Communion, it is the only most lovely because it gets closer to Him and is thankful to Him, who is the Lord caring, loving, and forgiving my worst sins. I reminded when I regretted so much about my sins and bad past, I walked in empty roads like I hadn't a goal in my life but He came and

Why You So Believe in Christianity?

Source: Unsplash That is an easy question because I definitely will answer it: because I admitted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior. I have met many Christians, Catholics, atheists, and different religions, and you know, the second most religion in the world, Islam. I learned all of that and respect them because they are good and have nothing wrong. They have good something.  Answering why you so believe in Christianity, first of all, I have learned about Christianity history, theology, Bible, and Jesus Christ. I'm really proud of Christianity's history in Europe. Christianity is one of the most developed religious studies. They suffered the Dark Ages, Crusades, Church split, and conflicts until the emergence of a new denomination. The Dark Ages, the tragical history which we know the popular history that the most taught in schools over the world, I recognize that's the beginning of Christianity theology had been developed as radically and had a role in the future generat

Am I Your Best Friend?

Source: Unsplash I had someone who needed to consult with me, she knew that I'm Christian, but she looked really needed help. So, I came, and I started to listen. I did some approaches to her and prayed so she would be able to feel good and overcome her problem. I gave her tissues because she started crying to listen to my talking. She praised, "You seem to have a subtle feeling." and responded, "Thank you. Remind, the light in the darkness. You should find where the light is. I will pray for you." Then, tomorrow, she appeared and said, "You are right. I was feeling comfortable spending with you."  and asked why. She replied, "Because you are a good listener." I started praising God's names and was glad to hear her statement.  It affected me to rethink who am I, and one question is "Am I your best friend?" I have many friends and some friends I mentioned as best friends, best dawg, best interpreter, best dude, best player, best