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Showing posts from November, 2022

Following Jesus Needs a PRICE to be PAID

Source: Unsplash I have decided to follow Jesus is the best decision ever I made in my life. I've heard so many testimonies and it is really touching. Following Jesus is supposed to come from heart and soulmate. But we admit there is just world lust, such as marriage, money, and career. I will marry a woman I love so I have to be a Christian so I can marry a woman I love. That's WRONG! This is WORLD LUST.  The world , again I called a place of full lust and temptation , you need to be careful and ask the Holy Spirit, is the only guide you have. There are many Christians who are unbiblical, which we call liberalist and progressive. As well as non-Christians who have a Christian couple, need to be careful because it can be going to lust and trap things that shouldn't happen.  We are going to learn Luke 6: 6-11, what do you learn after reading about a term that I called "haters" who trying to accuse Jesus?  The scribes and the Pharisees, guys who watched and heal as

Which Prefer Youth or Adults?

Source: Unsplash Seeing my foreign friend who is entering the end of her ministry contract and will be back home is definitely sad and unready to say goodbye. But I was so grateful to know who it is and what is ministry that usually they get to work and serve. Teaching English to local students, serving the community, leading the church, and helping local friends to get the right path is just awesome. Then, I didn't realize that my pastor told me that we would have a new foreign staff who serves in Indonesia for a year, and it happened. He worked so well and was humbled by outdoing services in his best work. I have been waiting for my future wish of ministering to the Deaf Christian community and going to the world to gain my ministry experience as a part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 16-20) because that's what I have been hoping and praying for it and I think God wants me to go there and serve for the Deaf Christian community, but honestly, I prefer to do it for the you

God is Your Hope

Source: Unsplash Winning the World Cup with a proud national team is a soccer player's dream. That's a massive accomplishment. Just like the NBA players opted out of the FIBA World Cup and chose to play at the Olympics by pursuing the gold medal instead. The world is kind of a dream wants to accomplish. That's good. I like it. I have a dream I want to pursue. That's satisfaction if you are accomplished.  God is your hope? What does that mean? Isn't worth it if you say God is your hope? I say yes. God is your first love, and He comes first when you are depressed and alone. He appears first before anybody is coming to you. He cares a lot about you even if you are unfaithful to Him.  The world, a place is full of lust and temptation. " Wanita, harta, dan tahta " (women, money, and power) is a kind popular in Indonesia and it is actually talking about world lust. Everything you want to accomplish purposes of satisfaction. " Aku mau ", I want more.  M

Leading an Inclusive Church

Edited by Paint I'm a member of a hearing church with hearing friends and pastors and a church that has only an interpreter has been. I always feel alone because no Deaf person came to my church despite rejoicing with my friends. And, God has known, and He sent a Deaf woman who joined our service at my church! I was so grateful and happy. We have two Deaf people at my church! English Worship! Leading an open church is important to us as Christians. English Worship may not be accessible to persons with wheelchairs, but we try to assist the best providing when we meet them with wheelchairs. We do not want to make them feel left behind and we want to include them as a community and family. As our responsibility to share the love with everyone who needs it and make everyone who knows more about Jesus. I have some social media accounts and have been addicted, I saw a video featuring a disabled pastor with a helper tool preaching at the church and it was torn and touching and listening t

Which Prefer?

Source: ConnectUS The last on the " Back to the Basics ", I've continued listening to the sermon which started the first of " God is Love " online and was now the last talking about " worship ". I was beyond happy to be there during the favorite theme I want to listen to. Thanks, to my pastors who led during that time.  Well, welcome to my blog, I am who an author of Christian-journey content. I'm quite happy to see the growth of views and readers, averaging 15-20 viewers in every post. I'm so grateful for this growth. I hope my blog going to work better and make people get to know Jesus and the word of God, learning Christianity in the right way. I'm not a pastor, am a Christian struggling to be devout and love God as my priority as well as how started to be an adventure.  Worship is about getting to know who you lead. "worship" is defined as honoring, following, and obeying. In history, people worshiped a king. A king is a God a

Five Things Christians Should Not Do It

Edited: Canva As a Christian, I have spent reading the Bible, listening to sermons, and reading Christianity-themed content on Internet, I think I should know what things we aren't allowed to do, according to the Bible. I will write a summary addressing five things Christians can't do.  1. We don't watch horror movies Thank, the Lord, I'm not a horror movie fan. I hate horror movies because it always been appearing scary, kind I'm scared of ghosts and any weird sounds I heard. The last horror movie I watched is The Nun , was at the cinema myself. I was sick afterward. Since then, I will never watch horror movies anymore. Why don't Christians allow to watch horror movies? See 1 Corinthians 10: 20-21, that Satan or the Lord, which prefer to do you choose. And another reason is horror movies that described Christian mocking like The Nuns, The Unholy, Priest, The Exorcist , etc. So, that is undeserved to be watched by any Christians.  2. We don't celebrate the H

A Sermon, I Heard Ever

Source: Unsplash A sermon that has been preached by pastors who take a step in leading and preaching at a church, is one of the most interesting, and have been thinking of how to prepare a sermon. I got the sermons that pastors sent before the service happens. Having privilege to be reading the sermon that the pastors sent, I'm pretty grateful. I learn sermons every Sunday. The sermons all I read are so good and inspired, in analyzing how the pastors experienced, biblical, and how to put some tips in devout in Christ Jesus in the right way. Pastors at my church talk as often in short quotes that easily I remember. I love listening to online sermons preached by Hosanna Wong, Mike Todd, and Steven Furtick, and some pastors and influencers who appear on social media. They worked so well and for God they serve. By the Spirit, pastors definitely will preach the truth of worth speaking in the right way in Jeremiah 3: 15. I know pastors who I ever met, wasn't a pastor should I have se

Achievement or Salvation, We Minister to

Source: Unsplash Sharing Jesus is part of our responsibility as Christians and is called evangelism. See Acts 16: 31 ESV addressing "A nd they said, "Belief in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household ." Acts 16: 31 ESV.  We are required to share with people to know Jesus in person with compassion and full of love, then pray afterward. We cannot leave our responsibility; this is God's command in Ezekiel 3: 18 and Matthew 28: 19-20. As followers of Christ, you must do God's command and you don't need to study a theology program by pursuing a pastor. We don't need pastors and we do need Jesus. People need to know Jesus that is our JOB to SHARE and MAKE people ACCEPT Jesus Christ. So why people should know Jesus?  Yes, we live in a diversity of different religions which aren't Christians, and definitely do not know who Jesus is. We do know Christians who as well do not know Jesus. As followers of Christ, we take charge of ministering

10 Short Q&A About Christian Faith

Source: Unsplash Spending a great Sunday was how blessed I was and to be my friend who came to worship for the first time, I was super glad! This how blessed I was. After the service, we learned a little sign language mixture of ASL (American Sign Language) and BISINDO (Indonesian Sign Language), which was super nice. Talking about the questions and answers about the Christian faith sounds familiar with the trend. A number of questions that I made myself, but it looks very basic as to what I purpose of writing the Christian content.  Glad to respond it much as I know, here are the top ten short questions: 1. Do you believe Jesus is the Lord and Savior? Yes, I believe it! No doubt, He is the only one. 2. Do you believe the Bible is the only life guidance? Yes, I do, Bible has a long history, and it's found in the middle east, which is Christianity's birth. Bible is all true, no doubt as well at all.  3.  What is your favorite Bible verse, and what the reason is? I would say, Mat

"Me Time", Time to Turning God

Source: Unsplash "Me time" isn't a stranger and that word is the most heard when someone feels exhausted and needs to put "me time" and stay away from daily boring and tiring activities. In Japan, there is a new innovation in building a self-service cafe and restaurant that I forgot where the news was and lastly, I read it on Instagram a couple of months ago. That place gives you to put your time and enjoy "me time".  What do usually you do when you spend "me time"? I'd like to make a short trip by averaging 15-20 miles (24-32 kilometers) in 1-2 hours by motorcycle and watching sports events, especially American football and basketball. You know that I'm a big American sports fan, a football most' fanatic fan, and spending to watch college football and the NFL. I would say, football is the most beautiful sport in the world that is played in the United States and the Super Bowl is the biggest sports matchup that must be watched. Fo

Can Deaf Pastors Lead in A Hearing Church Community?

Source: Unsplash I have researched "Can Women Be a Pastor?" based on the Bible, but I can't go to respond it because I need more and discuss it with pastors, Christians, and anyone who puts biblical life. I think we can lead and minister the gospel regardless of what is gender and language in Galatians 3: 28. I don't want to take it further about addressing women shouldn't be a pastor and choose to address about Deaf can be a pastor and lead in a hearing church community.  Pastor, a leader of the church-- teaching, encouraging, and responsible in ministering the gospel between in-community and out-community. A pastor cannot claim to be a teacher because God is the only teacher in John 13: 13, but technically, a pastor is a teacher, and a pastor leads the church and community. A pastor works for the ministry in Ephesians 4: 11-12. Generally, we have a role to grow up ourselves as we are as Son of God in Galatians 3: 26, whether a pastor or isn't.  I am fascinat

God and Science

Source: Unsplash That perhaps becoming a sensitive topic, but I have to! I remember when I attended a virtual discussion with two LDS (Latter-day Saints) missionaries on Zoom. We were almost stuck at a time zone difference. They were from California, starting at 06.00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time includes Washington state, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, and Northern Idaho). They were hearing fluent in ASL/ American Sign Language. So, we discussed in-depth about religion and science. They believe as it is related, some, apparently saying differently, usually, atheists and agnostics who doubt God's presence.  In the book of Genesis, you witness how God created the world. God took a rest on the seventh day and became in order in worshipping every Sabbath in Genesis 1: 2-3 and Deuteronomy 5: 12. God made a woman who becomes helper with Adam because He trusted that a man should not be alone, so God made him sleep and took one of his ribs then made into a woman then becomes one fl